Presentations |
Exploit Mitigation Techniques
- May 2, 2006 - Tokyo
Theo de Raadt, founder and project leader of the OpenBSD and OpenSSH
projects, spoke to the largest English speaking personal computer club,
Tokyo PC Users Group,
in Japan. His presentation gave some insight into why OpenBSD has
earned an undisputed security reputation. These slides highlight
the multitude of system enhancements and innovations meticulously worked
on over the past ten years. Each of these changes on their own provide
significant armour against exploitation of system and application bugs.
However, combining these exploit mitigation technologies add layers upon
layers of security in depth that protect the system from known and not
yet discovered vulnerabilities that are plaguing all other operating
systems and poorly written programs. This "Systems" approach
to Security is just one example of many that distinguish OpenBSD in a
league of its own. Similarly, it is no wonder why OpenSSH is now the
de facto standard with over 90% of the SSH Servers on the Internet
running OpenSSH.
Open Source Secure Wireless Networks in a Windows World
November 15, 2005 - PacSec05 - Tokyo
Wireless Networks are bliss to users and the bane of Security
Administrators. As wireless technology pushes closer toward
wired speeds, this will become the preferred medium for Internet
access for many, if it is not already. Unfortunately, most
wireless networks are insecure by default and security seems
to be an afterthought for the users, hardware and software
vendors alike. More over, even with security features used,
most Access Points use very weak encryption, little or no
authentication methods and have no built-in firewall technology.
So how can businesses utilize wireless technology and still be
able to protect confidential information from unauthorized access?
This talk describes one Open Source solution that addresses the
above security concerns.
Today there are Open Source software and systems that rival
commercial alternatives. This is especially true in the Security
World. The Secure Wireless Solution that will be detailed in this
talk is one such example. No commercial alternative to date has
proved to be as secure, has the same security track record,
functionality, usability, robustness, scalability and cost savings
as this Open Source solution.
Open Source in a Windows World
- June 2, 2005 - Tokyo
This was presented to the
Tokyo PC Users Group,
the largest English speaking personal computer club in Japan.
The talk included live demonstrations and examples on how
companies can easily integrate Open Source, with an emphasis
on OpenBSD, into their IT infrastructure to enhance security, scalability
and stability, significantly reduce IT expenditures, free up computing
infrastructure and move away from commercial lock-in.